Thursday, August 31, 2023
Perimeter and Area Formulas of Geometric Shapes | All Geometry Formuls

categories: geometric formulas, perimeter and areas, square area, triangle area and perimeter
You can find the perimeter and area formulas of all geometric shapes from the image below. We wish everyone a good work...
Rectangle perimeter = 2(a+b)
Rectangle area = a.b
Square perimeter = 4a
Square area = $a^2$
Triangle perimeter = a+b+c=2s
Triangle area = 1:1/2*b*h & 2: $\sqrt{s(s-a).(s-b).(s-c)}$
Right triangle perimeter = b+h+d
Right triangle area = 1/2 bh
Equilateral triangle perimeter = 3a
Equilateral triangle area = 1: 1/2 a.h & 2: $\frac{\sqrt{3}}{4}.a^2$
Isosceles right triangle perimeter = 2a+d
Isosceles right triangle area = 1/2 a^2
Parallelogram perimeter = 2(a+b)
Parallelogram area = a.h
Rhombus perimeter = 4a
Rhombus area = 1/2 d1 d2
Trapezium perimeter = Sum of its four sides
Trapezium area = 1/2 h(a+b)
Circle perimeter = 2πr
Circle area = πr^2
Semicircle perimeter = πr+2r
Semicircle area = 1/2πr^2
Ring (shaded region) perimeter = -
Ring (shaded region) area = π(R^2-r^2)
Sector of a circle perimeter = I + 2r where I = (Ɵ / 360) * 2πr
Sector of a circle area = Ɵ/360 * πr^2
Wednesday, August 30, 2023
Tuesday, August 29, 2023
Special Power Series | ex | sinx | cosx | tanx | ln(1+x) | sinhx | coshx | tanhx | sinh^-1 | tanh^-1 All Series

categories: all special power series, coshx series, ex series, sinh-1 series, sinhx series, sinx series
Maclaurin Series Formula | What is the Maclaurin series?
Monday, August 28, 2023
Epicycloid Definition | Epicycloid Parametric Equations
This is the curve described by a point P on a circle of radius b as it rolls on the outside of a circle of radius a. The cardioid is a special case of an epicycloid.
Z Transforms | All Function and Transform
Sunday, August 27, 2023
Mechanics Kinematics & Centres of Mass Definitions and Formulas
- hemispherical shell, radius r ⇾ $\frac{1}{2}r$ ⇾ from centre
- hemisphere, radius r ⇾ $\frac{3}{8}r$ ⇾ from centre
- right circular cone, height h ⇾ $\frac{3}{4}h$ ⇾ from vertex
- arc, radius r and angle 2θ ⇾ (r sinθ) / θ ⇾ from centre
- sector, radius r and angle 2θ ⇾ ($\frac{2}{3}r$ sinθ) / θ ⇾ from centre
Product Rule & Quotient Rule & Chain Rule (Derivative)
Tuesday, August 22, 2023
Laplace Transforms | Function and Transform (Examples)
Sunday, August 20, 2023
General Rules of Differantiation
In the following, u, v, w are functions of x; a, b, c, n are constants [restricted if indicated]; e=2.71828... is the natural base of logarithms; In u is the natural loraithm of u [i.e. the loraithm to the base e] where it is assumed thad u>0 and all angles are in radians.