Friday, September 8, 2023

cotx^2, cotx^3, cotx^4 graph | What are the graphs of cot over 2, 3 and 4?

Below you can find the graphic drawings of 2 over cotx, 3 over cotx and 4 over cotx. We wish everyone a good work...

$(cot(x))^2$ graph:

$(cot(x))^3$ graph:

$(cot(x))^4$ graph:

Thursday, September 7, 2023

tanx^2, tanx^3, tanx^4 graph | What are the graphs of tan over 2, 3 and 4?

Below you can find the graphic drawings of 2 over tanx, 3 over tanx and 4 over tanx. We wish everyone a good work...

$(tan(x))^2$ graph:

$(tan(x))^3$ graph:

$(tan(x))^4$ graph:

Friday, September 1, 2023

cosx^2, cosx^3, cosx^4 graph | What are the graphics of cos over 2, 3 and 4?

Below you can find the graphic drawings of 2 over cosx, 3 over cosx and 4 over cosx. We wish everyone a good work...

$(cos(x))^2$ graph:

$(cos(x))^3$ graph:

$(cos(x))^4$ graph:

Thursday, August 31, 2023

sinx^2, sinx^3, sinx^4 graph | What are the graphs of sin over 2, 3 and 4?

Below you can find the graphic drawings of 2 over sinx, 3 over sinx and 4 over sinx. We wish everyone a good work...

$(sin(x))^2$ graph:

$(sin(x))^3$ graph:

$(sin(x))^4$ graph:

Perimeter and Area Formulas of Geometric Shapes | All Geometry Formuls

You can find the perimeter and area formulas of all geometric shapes from the image below. We wish everyone a good work...

Rectangle perimeter = 2(a+b)

Rectangle area = a.b

Square perimeter = 4a

Square area = $a^2$

Triangle perimeter = a+b+c=2s

Triangle area = 1:1/2*b*h & 2: $\sqrt{s(s-a).(s-b).(s-c)}$

Right triangle perimeter = b+h+d

Right triangle area = 1/2 bh

Equilateral triangle perimeter = 3a

Equilateral triangle area = 1: 1/2 a.h & 2: $\frac{\sqrt{3}}{4}.a^2$

Isosceles right triangle perimeter = 2a+d

Isosceles right triangle area = 1/2 a^2

Parallelogram perimeter = 2(a+b)

Parallelogram area = a.h

Rhombus perimeter = 4a

Rhombus area = 1/2 d1 d2

Trapezium perimeter = Sum of its four sides

Trapezium area = 1/2 h(a+b)

Circle perimeter = 2πr

Circle area = πr^2

Semicircle perimeter = πr+2r

Semicircle area = 1/2πr^2

Ring (shaded region) perimeter = -

Ring (shaded region) area = π(R^2-r^2)

Sector of a circle perimeter = I + 2r where I = (Ɵ / 360) * 2πr

Sector of a circle area = Ɵ/360 * πr^2

Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Graph of tanhx^-1 | What is tanh^-1x graph drawing?

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The graph of tanhx to the -1 is as follows.

$tanhx^{-1}$ graph:

tanh^-1x graph

Graph of cothx^-1 | What is coth^-1x graph drawing?

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The graph of cothx to the -1 is as follows.

$cothx^{-1}$ graph:

cothx^-1 graphic